We went to Global Awakening conference this past week (desperately needed and the one big thing we have looked forward to all year). Tymothy and I not only felt refreshed and recommissioned after, but we got so much healing (inner and physical-my shoulder is COMPLETELY HEALED AFTER 3 YEARS OF PAIN!!)
Our children also experienced the same thing! Because there is NO Jr. Holy Spirit and they were taught, encouraged, and set out onto a very real mission field.
Brooks Steinbaecher prayed over our children this past weekend and IMMEDIATELY Ezekiel’s tongue was loosed; his speech began to improve!
Well that’s not all! In fact this is just the beginning, today at food truck, where we have the honor to serve our community groceries, and hear their stories.. Ezekiel took it upon himself to pray for each and every person that came into the line to receive. He followed Dr. Randy Clark’s prayer models and persisted till he saw what he felt the Lord was leading him to pray over each person.
To see your kids do the word.. there are no words! To see them healed and come out stronger than before, breaking the limitations set over them from the world.. there is no fire in a mama that burns so hot as to see your kid break free and follow after God’s heart! I am completely wrecked with the goodness of God over our lives.